Song, music and lyrics © Charly Humbolt 2011 - 2022

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When Time to Say Goodbye

© 2022 Charly Humbolt

Lyrics -

for all the days
now but a wistful blur

memories, memories the main show,
I know
I know

so many scenes teeming, streaming through
over and over

where did it go
just like a miracle

where did it go

where did it go

just like a miracle

to begin again
and then and then and then

the end
the end

wait, wait not yet ready

when time no longer no longer will interfere

when time, it will always be



About this song
: When Time to Say Goodbye was initially composed on January 7, 2022, care giving by the family had increased for Uncle Grandpa’s final lift into that eternal sunset. 

He had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's on the same 7th of the month I wrote the song but in December a month earlier,  Merry Christmas.

I cannot recall how the lead up to his death may have imbued the color of this song when first creating the piano instrumental.  

However, I am certain during the final few weeks of his body/mind preparing for the next journey (or perhaps the universal odyssey dictating the terms and conditions), the lyric’s and vocal (later inclusions), channeled a profound message to me in his final moments here on the earthly plain.

Pure, unadulterated and sagacious Uncle Grandpa, mentioning in 2021, wouldn't mind reaching 100 (he died at 98) and in the same breath declaring, wouldn't mind if I don't.

And when time comes summoning for our soul, there will always be, goodbye.


Cross Section

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