Song, music and lyrics © Charly Humbolt 2011 - 2023

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  CH and doggie -

sc heffner photography and digital paintings

Prologue ... We were chasing our souls, understandably.  In reconciling such a grisly act was to also be affirming her innocence, to appease and assuage our own befuddlement and to offer, to extend, to project some semblance of humanity and compassion by joining up with hundreds of other volunteers, searching for a discarded body.   Extinguishing the flame of a once, vibrant human being, no one should meet such a fate nor those left behind in the family and friend circle to forever grieve.  Closure is always porous with the fits and starts of moving on with memories filling in the voids the best they can. 

Until now, I've kept deep under my hood any background to this song, classified (for me) under the too painful column.  The convicted murderer (as of then and as of now) has not revealed the whereabouts of his ill deed, a fifteen year-old teen on her way to school, gone ... mercy, mercy, mercy.  

Monterey, California was not where the homicide occurred, nor where (as far as I know) any searches took place, however, the literary usage in lyrics was a means of providing a geographic (and creative) buffer - a certain distance from the associated evil of the act.    Although only a few counties separating the actual location with my transplanted venue, this kept at bay (in part) the weeping fields we traipsed, the naked creeks we navigated and the reflecting lakes and smaller ponds, mirroring back to us the somber and stillness of each day's efforts and for some, a nauseous and unsettling endurance test.

For me, no need to set the actual scenes - I was there and return again whenever revisiting the horror's of looking for deaths hoping for life ... those interested can find out more as so moved(2023, ScH)

Take Me Down to the River

© 2013 Charly Humbolt

take me down to the

searching for my little girl
let the sun shine on her today
searching for my little girl
oh sun shine on her today

return her safely to me
this is my only plea

take me down to the

help me find my daughter
last seen near Monterey
someone help me find my daughter
she was last seen near Monterey

return her unharmed to me
this is my only plea

take me down to the

lay my body in the water
wash my sins away

set my child free - free
this is my only plea

take me down to the

Opaque Panes
Opaque Panes in Colors
For additional information on digital painting ?