Song, music and lyrics © Charly Humbolt 2011 - 2019

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  CH and doggie - digital

sc heffner photography and digital paintings

Smile or Frown on His Face

believing in the unexplained
a matter of how one was trained
on the shores of Lake Galilee
did he really help two blind men see

in all of his splendid grace
did he wear a smile or frown on his face
I want to know even if just a trace
was he wearing a smile or frown on his face
I want to know even if just a trace
was he wearing a smile or frown on his face

a smile or frown on his face

floating on a boat over old Galilee
in the falling night they saw him walk the sea
befuddled and confused with this view
would their faith be enough to pull them through ?

in all of his splendid grace
did he wear a smile or frown on his face
I want to know even if just a trace
was he wearing a smile or frown on his face
I want to know even if just a trace
was he wearing a smile or frown on his face

a smile or frown on his face

without these  claims of miracle wonder
would their faith be torn asunder ?
was this wonder meant to stop the pain
from the mark of evil placed on Cain
from the mark of evil placed on Cain

was he wearing a smile or frown on his face

a smile or frown on his face

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