Song, music and lyrics © Charly Humbolt 2011 - 2019

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  CH and doggie - digital

sc heffner photography and digital paintings


In My Neighborhood

© 2012, 2016 Charly Humbolt

in my neighborhood they can
change names of our street(s)

in my neighborhood they can
add more cops to the beat(s)

and in my neighborhood they can
cover death with linen sheet(s)

but what they can't change or take away
is the sun rising
each and
every day
each and
every day

in my neighborhood they can
bull doze hills for a traffic light

in my neighborhood they can
stifle the owl's hoot at night

and in my neighborhood they can
push roaming deer out of sight

but what they can't change or take away
are the sweet mysteries unfolding 
the way
the way
the way

in my neighborhood they can
turn fields to strip malls

in my neighborhood they can
vanquish the chirping of bird calls
and in my neighborhood they can
dry up churning water falls

but what they can't change or take away
is the sun rising
each and
every day
is the sun rising
each and
every day

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