Song, music and lyrics ゥ Charly Humbolt 2011 - 2024

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CH and doggie - digital

sc heffner photography and digital painting


Tell Me Your Problems

ゥ 2017 Charly Humbolt

tell me your problems
    tell me your problems
I'll tell you mine
    I'll tell you mine
we値l each take a turn with the bottom line

tell me your problems
I'll tell you mine
we値l each take a turn with the bottom line

the issues we raise
could save our life
we値l each take a turn with the carving knife
tell me your problems
I'll tell you mine
we値l each take a turn with the bottom line

the issues we raise
could save our life
we値l each take a turn with the carving knife
tell me your problems
tell me you're mine
we値l each take a turn with the bottom line

the words we put down
can help us get up
we'll each take our turns drinkin' from the therapy cup
tell me your problems
I'll tell you mine
we値l each take a turn with the bottom line

the words we put down
can help us get up
we'll each take our turns drinkin' from the therapy cup
tell me your problems
tell me you're mine
we値l each take our turn with the bottom line

it痴 just you and me
lookin' in the mirror
we'll each take our turns seeing things so much more clearer
tell me your problems
tell me your mine

yes, it痴 just you and me
lookin' in the mirror
we'll each take our turns seeing things so much more clearer
tell me your problems
tell me your mine

tell me your problems
    tell me your problems
ah tell me your mine

it痴 just you and me
lookin' in the mirror
we'll take our turns seeing things so much clearer
tell me your problems
tell me your mine

tell me your problems
tell me your mine

tell me your problems
I値l tell you mine

tell me your problems
tell me your problems

tell me your problems
tell me your mine
tell me your problems

tell me your mine
tell me your problems

tell me your mine

*to hear instrumental only, please go here

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