Song, music and lyrics © Charly Humbolt 2011 - 2019

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  CH and doggie - digital

sc heffner photography and digital paintings

How's The Weather

© 2014 Charly Humbolt

in a drought
so much  doubt
fallow fields
empty yields

with all the possibilities
how's the weather
gonna fall
when and if it's gonna
hit the wall

how's the weather
how's the weather

then it rained
can't complain
rivers flowed
down the road

with all the possibilities
how's the weather
gonna fall
when and if it's gonna
hit the wall

how's the weather
how's the weather

rain wouldn't stop
dams over top
raging creeks
lasting ten-weeks

with all the possibilities
how's the weather
gonna fall
when and if it's gonna
hit the wall

how's the weather
gonna fall

the sun came out
plants went to sprout
to be amazed

with all the possibilities
with all the possibilities
how's the weather, how's the weather,
how's the weather
gonna fall

 back to Catalog 4