Song, music and lyrics © Charly Humbolt 2011 - 2019

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Got A Prescription

© Charly Humbolt 2015

to get through this life
need to have a
rugged heart

to get through this life
need to have a
sturdy heart

got a prescription
but only if you don't disagree
got an inspiration
that comes with a simple plea

deep deep inside
    (got a prescription)
resides the innocence
use this as your guide
no no no need to hide   
call up the innocence
all you gotta do is call up the innocence 
    (got a prescription)

to get through this life
need to have a
caring heart

to get through this life
need to have a
giving heart

got a prescription
but only if you don't disagree
got an inspiration
that comes with a simple plea 

deep deep inside
resides the innocence
    (got a prescription)
use this as your guide
no no no need to hide   
call up the innocence
all you gotta do is call up the innocence

oh ya to get through this life
you'll also need a
loving heart

to get through this life
need to have a
forgiving heart

and to get through this life
ah you need to have a 
rugged heart

oh ya, to get through this life
need to have a
rugged heart

oh ya to get through this life
you better have a
rugged heart

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