Song, music and lyrics © Charly Humbolt 2011 - 2024

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  CH and doggie -

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Enough (When Will I, When Will We)

© 2015 Charly Humbolt

when will I
see the truth
when will I
stop living lies

when will I
when will I

when will I
    when will we
see the truth
when will we
stop living lies

when will we
when will we

let’s get over it
let’s throw our arms up e-

let’s hold  our hands up e-

enough hate
enough rape
can we unseal such a fate

we can save each other
we can save ourselves
from our segregation
from killing ourselves

when will I
see the light
when will I
turn on the switch

when will I
when will I

when will we
see the light
when will we
turn on the switch

when will we
when will we

let’s get over it
let’s throw our arms up e-

let’s hold  our hands up e-

enough hate
enough rape
will not believe this is our fate

we can save each other
we can save ourselves
from our wars and prisons
from killing ourselves

when will I
see the truth
when will I then
do what's right      

when will I
when will I

see the truth

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